Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Old Photo Pick - 4

If you google something like 'girls on bikes vintage photo' you will find plenty of erotic and pin-up pictures. Not because bikes seemed to be particular erotic a hundred years ago, but because it was something from men's world that was taken by women. Women cycled publicly for the first time through the streets of Indianapolis, USA, on April 23, 1895. Press wrote that four women riding bikes through the city aroused in men deep disgust for the ladies.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Basic Pants. What is it?

Basic Pants

On my website I offer three main options of custom-made trousers: basic pants, premium pants and deluxe ones. All of them are custom-sewn, made-to-measure, all of them involve measuring and fitting sessions before they are ready to collect. With any option you get all the benefits of garment made especially for you. What is the difference?
You've probably guessed already that smaller price means less work to do, and bigger price - vice versa. If measurements and pattern part is the same, what I can play with is actual sewing, more options in details,  or - technology.
Basic option has minimum sewing technology involved. Elastic waistband, imitation of zip, only two pockets or no pockets at all. 

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Dressmaking: a work that matters for people who care.

Dressmakers and their job

Recently I was asked the question I love and hate: ‘So, what are you doing?’  It’s always easier to answer this question if your job title is your job, even if the title doesn’t cover your contribution to your community and the world. As sewists, many of us have the added problem of almost feeling ashamed of the answer. When I tell people I do dressmaking, usual reaction is: ‘Oh, it’s the dying art…’ ; ‘Really, is anyone still doing this?’ or even worse. 
I was at one of the networking events couple of years ago, and when I uncovered what my job was, I was told: ‘You are really brave to come here’ by other girls who were book-keepers and managers.  On another event, seminar about small business running, I met a lady who had a crafty business. She was really scared to sit among all these IMPORTANT people, such as…  marketing specialists. 
By the way… there was another event, networking one about fashion business. There were few dozens of people, and they all introduced themselves in a similar manner: ‘I lo-ove fa-ashion so-o-o much! I want to do a fa-ashion business… No, I haven’t done anything yet, but I have great plans…’ I realised I was the ONLY ONE there who was really doing  fashion and making contribution to real people. One who is not dreaming, not planning, not self-reflectioning, but helping people. I realised that if I hear about ‘fa-a-ashion’ one more time, I will bite somebody. It was so annoying, most of them were just layabouts.
Lots of people can sew. They can place a missing button or shorten curtains. But dressmaking as profession, as a job, is not about it. It is about helping people. It is about having courage to show up  with vulnerability. It is about making garments, ideas, style, to change people. It is about helping people to become who they always wanted to be. It’s work that matters for people who care. This is probably not the approach most people experience (or practice) all the time. This is up to us, to do dressmaking we are proud of. Because we can. 

Monday, 12 November 2018

Trousers Decor - part 2

Some more options for this original decoration. Now it doesn't sit on trousers but occupies top, and of course brings new style opportunities. 

Trousers decor, option four. It really depends on what top you are wearing, but decoration can occupy it too, in plenty of designs. Here top is probably not perfect, white button-down would be better, but I don't talk about style on mannequin. There are people who would look best of all in this particular look. People who can wear high level of eclecticism. People who like to combine inconsistent items. Contradictory souls. Or just cheerful happy people who have real fun getting dressed every day. 

Fashion Tricks - 3

This is a sad joke of fashion, but anyway, it teaches us how important it is to appreciate everything we have nowadays. Even smallest things, even... underwear and stockings. Because there was time when they were a real problem to get.

Photo represents a fight and triumph of victory: women in London in 1941 have found a flash sale of artificial stockings. 'Coupon FREE!' note had precious meaning. British civilian women were allocated sixty-six coupons per year for buying clothes, for complete wardrobe. Sixty-six was not much, if one pair of stockings took two of them. Every garment - dress, coat, shoes - has its value not only in money, but also took a number of precious coupons, depending on the value of the garment.
A sale of coupon-free stockings was a very exciting event.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Steal Her Style by Sarah Kennedy

Steal Her Style! 
Doesn't it sound exciting?
I've got a book with this title. The author Sarah Kennedy gives analysis of style features of popular actresses and top models, such as Audrey Hepburn, Twiggy and Brigitte Bardot. Talking about their iconic looks, make up, fashion of the period, Sarah advices how to copy their style and hopefully produce the same impression as Audrey Hepburn. 
What is the trap in this approach? 
Let's have a look on these two photos. Lesley Hornby, known as Twiggy, the most popular model of the 1960th, had her peculiar make, hair style, and she popularised bright yellow short dresses. But the first thing we see is actually her strong personality. It dominates on make up and yellow colour, and it associates with her style features. If another girl wears similar dress and hair style, she has to possess the same bold look, feel like she is a trendsetter, be the actual face of the epoch.  Otherwise it looks like poor imitation. It does, because Twiggy's style is very recognisable. Her face is recognisable first, her spirit, her energy, her personality; only then her dresses and hair cut. Taking everything but personality doesn't steals her style. I don't think it can be stolen from her. Every attempt to copy Twiggy memorises her, enriches her, but not the copyist. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Special! Custom-made pants at half price!

Dear ladies!
You all know that I do custom dressmaking. Trousers have always been my strongest side: classic for the office,  fashionable-creative models, and simple casual, and always with a beautiful fit.
Using my knowledge and experience, I developed a new system for taking measurements and cutting pants, giving an even more accurate and fast pattern. And now I want to test this system on various beautiful shapes and sizes. Therefore, I announce the start of the special offer “Pants at half price!”
How my pants fit, what their refined inner side is, how elegant they look, - you can see on my website http://www.pantsandtrousersmagic.com.au, and you can only appreciate the convenience, wearing comfort and shape correction options  yourself. The usual total cost of sewing trousers is $ 150-200, half - $ 75-100 respectively.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Decor for trousers, part 1

Decor for trousers. 
We like sophisticated decor on tops and dresses, don't we? But what can be made on dress, can be made on trousers too. This is a part of Pants Magic philosophy. I've shown this fabric flower garland recently. Now I am going to show how to use it. I took this idea from the Threads magazine, as decoration for evening dress. Unlike dress there are much more variations when applied to pants. And you don't have to wait for evening, because on trousers in basic grey colour decorations look quite casual to wear during the day. 
Pants decor. Option one. From the pocket down. 

Fashion Tricks - 2

Lovely swimsuit invented in 1960th - monokini.
Ladies having fun and men trying their best NOT TO LOOK.
The first thing I see on the photos is FUN ladies had with this extravagant garment.
Sales assistant showing monokini to a customer, both laughing happily.
It is a staged photo though.
Monokini was created by fashion designer Rudi Gernreich in 1960th. It was proclaimed immoral and tasteless, banned in the USA, and became a symbol of Western decay in Soviet Union. It found its way to Europe though, and despite everybody thought that monokini was nothing more than a fashion stunt, it was sold in surprisingly big quantities. About 3000 monokinis were sold in the summer they were introduced to public. Monokini cost 24 American dollars, which made a good profit to designer,  for the insignificant amount of fabric. 
The trick is... monokini was sold but was not put on. Very few monokinis have ever been worn in public. It was a fashion trick and it brought ladies much fun.