Monday, 22 February 2016

Tutu and other tulle skirts. Part II.

I think that tulle skirts became a part of our everyday wardrobe, because every girl has been dreaming about being a ballerina, at least once. Even those who don't like ballet very much are charmed by magnificent costumes. Ballerina pretends that gravity power does not  apply on her. Well, we all know that it is a result of long and even torturing training, and we admire their grace, beauty of movement and strong character.

But tulle skirts, light and flying, multilayer, decorated with lace and feathers, they really are the symbol of that mysterious and unknown world of ballet, where unbelievable beauty comes from.

Today I am going to speak about Chopin-type ballet skirts, which are very common in contemporary girls and even ladies looks.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Pants Balance

Do you know what balance of the pants is? This is the key concept  and the main reason why custom-made trousers suit you better than bought in the shop ones. 

Balance is normal, actually it is very good!
Every figure has its own individual waistline or the ideal level for pants to rest. Usually it is not horizontal, and not on the real waist as the narrowest point. It can be actually very different on the back, on the sides and on the front.

Each and every figure has its own pelvic tilt. Everybody who tried to draw the human body knows that men have more horizontal, and women have more tilted pelvic.

Clothes designers make all garments including pants for typical shapes, to fit the widest range of consumers. This works well for tops, sleeveless dresses, loose blouses, t-shirts etc. But not for fitted pants.

I remember I shopped for trousers last time, couple of years ago. I spent four hours in the shopping centre! Finally I found a good pair. Well, fabric was not perfect, a bit thinner than I wanted. They fit me well but I felt too tight in the hips and crotch area was too short. Since that time I have always sewn my pants myself. It takes the same time, and I get what I want at the end of the day. And I am much happier.

I'll tell you more abut the advantages of custom-made pants in the further posts, today I was going to write about balance. I've made some photos of my pants with incorrect balance - by pulling them down and pushing up  - so you can easily see what happens.